Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Blessings

Blessings to all the soldiers who are serving this great country, who dedicated their lives for us. I pray for God's watch care over you to give you peace and comfort in the dark nights and lonely days. You men and woman are , yes you who have served us and are still serving us deserve more than a day, but a lifetime of thanks and honors for your service.

Thank you for keeping us set apart from the rest of the world, thank you for serving us and dieing for us, thank you for keeping us free, thank you that you are still serving us. I pray for God to continue to shine His face upon you and give you peace and to bring you all home safe and sound.

To the many who have died I pray that their names never be forgotten, that they still be remembered and honored for  faithfully serving and dedicating their lives for us. 

Thank you men and woman who have served this great country our United States of America, one nation under God, never forget He is our shield and buckler.

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